

DiscipleLife is...

A source for all Biblical Discipleship.

We believe that Discipleship is an essential part of Christianity and without it, our responsibility is vacated and overall spiritual mission is absent. We must be diligent in our faith and work that is assigned to us — To GO and make disciples.

  • Discipleship is the lifestyle of those who have devoted themselves to the learning, understanding, teaching, demonstration and application of the authoritative and inerrant word of God.

  • While there are free DiscipleLife resources (e.g. conference segments on YouTube), there is a registration fee for the conference. There will also be t-shirts available for purchase.

  • DiscipleLife Exclusive is part of our NEW membership tier program where you pay a monthly or annual rate to enjoy exclusive DiscipleLife content that is not publicly available. Coming soon!

  • Start where you live! The NDCBF DiscipleLife Family Conference was created to change the culture of homes and churches to embrace what it means to truly be a disciple in your everyday life by incorporating transgenerational discipleship into the very fabric of who we are. It doesn’t matter if you're a parent, single parent, grandparent, minstry worker, child, or youth, you will find the tools to live out your faith and lead others closer to Jesus. We bring together thought leaders to inspire and teach practical strategies for transgenerational discipleship.

  • Terren Dames teaches on the urgency of educating children through Christian education for the building of disciples, opposed to conforming to the toxic culture of public education.

